Norman Borlaug, major defender against world hunger, dies
I remember seeing this guy on the “Genetic Modification” episode of Penn & Teller’s Bullshit. Penn cited him as perhaps the greatest person who ever lived, suggesting that his research had helped feed billions of people who would have otherwise starved (and continues to today). I would agree, though the critics have a point that a result of his techniques was an over-reliance on artificial fertilizers and a hugely raised ceiling for population — the problems following from which we are still dealing with today.
Still, his work was all about getting poor, starving people enough grains to eat and make a living; that’s all he ever wanted, and he succeeded marvelously. From the article: “About half the world’s population goes to bed every night after consuming grain descended from one of the high-yield varieties developed by Dr. Borlaug and his colleagues of the Green Revolution.”
RIP, Norman – would that a tenth of a percent of the people in this world were as dedicated, modest, and selfless as you were.