Thus were thy arms suddenly held back from behind, just as they were encircling a pretty, plump a pigeon as ever nestled in them with pert and playful confidence, to be plucked! Alas, alas! And didst thou behold the danger to which it was exposed, as it fluttered upward unconsciously into the region where thine affectionate eye detected the keen hawk in deadly poise?
Circulatory System – “Symbols and Maps”
Circulatory System
This band’s first album is one of the deepest and most puzzling albums of all time. While it resembles in some ways the Elephant 6 psych-pop of Olivia Tremor Control, its intense layering and mind-blowing instrumentation (multi-multi-tracking) put it beyond even OTC’s complexity, while better maintaining its musicality. It required a lot of close listening to “get” for me, and I’m still discovering details in it years later. Luckily, there are also moments of easy clarity and beauty, like the dreamy beginning to this track. (cloud recordings)
Mr. Gammon conceived a fearful, a shuddering loathing and disgust for the miscreant leader into these enormities; and, but for certain consequences, would have dispatched him with as much indifference as he would have laid arsenic in the way of a bold voracious rat, or killed a snake.
Calexico – “Inch by Inch”
This is a short but sweet track off of Calexico’s self-recorded tour LP — whenever I hear it, it always captures my attention, but it’s so short that I always think I missed some of it.
If the earth gradually stopped spinning and was eventually still, the water would be drawn to the polar regions due to the flattened ellipsoid shape of the planet. We’d be left with two polar oceans, an immense “waistband” megacontinent, and a few scattered lakes.
“Pray, sir, be silent!” exclaimed Mr. Aubrey, in a tone that electrified Gammon, who started from his chair. Mr. Aubrey’s face was whitened; his eye glanced lightning at his companion. Dagon-like, Gammon had put forth his hand and touched the ark of Aubrey’s honor. Gammon lost his color, and for, perhaps, the first time in his life, quailed before the majesty of man; ‘twas also the majesty of suffering; for he had been torturing a noble nature.