The Clientele – “K”
Strange Geometry
The singer for the Clientele obviously had it bad for a girl known only as “K,” who has (we are informed in the first track) gotten over him, resulting in the strange geometry of the album title. The music doesn’t depart much from the hazy, gossamer, reverb-drenched style they nailed in The Violet Hour, but it’s so pleasant that you can never really have too much. This track is a bit different from the rest, being shorter than the rest yet sporting an extended intro. (insound)
Similar (though less iconic) style to propaganda posters at the time… which I suppose these comics were, in a way.
Nest – “The Twelve”
Nest’s self-titled album was the last thing I wrote about on my old music blog. At the time, the label (Serein) was all-free and all-digital, which has since changed, though I’d like to think the experiment was a success. At any rate, this new album from Nest is a rerecording of the old EP, plus several new tracks, and is well worth a purchase. The calm, cinematic beauty of almost every track is refreshing, and “The Twelve” is a perfect representation of the way Nest allows the arrangements to breathe. The closest comparator I can come up with is Chopin crossed with Labradford.
Spoon – “I Summon You (Cool)”
Get Nice!
This alternate version of the Gimme Fiction track has a fun one-off feel, as if it were a remix by the Notwist or something. I think the little electronic warbling is a nice counter to Britt Daniel’s rough vocals. It’s only a minute and a half long, rather short of the four minutes of the album version, but I like it that way.
So – “Track 2”
The So project, a collaboration between Japanese songstress Eri and the enigmatic noise/electronic pioneer Markus Popp (Oval), is a strange, beautiful, and unpredictable affair. Eri’s warblings are layered and distorted so as to be nearly unrecognizable, but Popp still crafts them into coherent songs… when he feels like it. Track 2 is the strongest, I think, but 1 and 4 are also nice, and although the overall texture remains steady, there is a lot of variety on the record and it’s well worth exploring for any fan of electronic music. (insound)