He helped himself to some more marmalade, and poured out another cup of coffee. Nothing is more thrilling, thought he, than to be treated as a cully by the person you hold in the hollow of your hand.
Every night I would strut at the bar, in the red light and dust of that earthly paradise, lying fantastically and drinking at length. I would wait for dawn and at last end up in the always unmade bed of my princess, who would indulge mechanically in sex and then sleep without transition. Day would come softly to throw light on this disaster and I would get up and stand motionless in a dawn of glory.
Despairing of love and of chastity, I at last bethought myself of debauchery, a substitute for love, which quiets the laughter, restores silence, and above all, confers immortality.
Crime in Choir – “Women of Reduction”
Trumpery Metier
Let this be your theme song tonight. I feel like if the scene from Blade Runner where that replicant is running through the glass displays was three minutes long, they would just have this for the background music. I love me some Crime in Choir. (insound)
Tulsa Drone – “Chiaroscuro”
No Wake
It’s past midnight and you’re driving alone on a rural highway with a body in the trunk. This is what’s playing on the radio. (more)
Adeimantus: But if a single state amasses the wealth of all the others, will not that be a danger to a state that has none?
Socrates: I congratulate you on your idea that any state other than the one we are constructing deserves the name.
Adeimantus: Why, what should the others be called?
Socrates: By some grander name, for each of them is not one state, but many: two at least, which are at war with another, one of the rich, the other of the poor, and each of these is divided into many more.