Mr. Quirk, dressed in black, with knee breeches and silk stockings, immediately bustled up to him, shook him cordially by the hand, and led him up to the assembled guests. “My daughter—Miss Quirk; Mrs. Alderman Addlehead; Mrs. Deputy Diddledaddle; Mrs. Alias, my sister;— Mr. Alderman Addlehead; Mr. Deputy Diddle-daddle; Mr. Bluster; Mr. Slang; Mr. Hug; Mr. Flaw; Mr. Viper; Mr. Ghastly; Mr. Gammon you know.”
Howard Hello – “Television”
Howard Hello
This self-titled debut EP endures as one of my absolute favorite albums, and one of the most compelling arguments that much good music exists between established genres. It most closely resembles a sort of organic electronica, but its hypnotic tone and beautiful female vocals propel it beyond most of its genre-mates. I almost always listen to this entire album straight through.
“Grilston, January 6th, 18—.
Honored Miss,
"Hoping No Offence Will Be Taken where None is meant,
(which am Sure of,) This I send To say Who I Am which,
Is the Right And True Owner of Yatton which You Enjoy
Amongst You All At This present (Till The Law Give it to
Me) Which It quickly Will, and No Mistake, And which It
Ought to Have done When I were First born And Before Yr
Respecte. Family ever Came into it, And All which Yr hond.
Brother Have so unlawfully Got Possession Of must Come Back
to Them Whose Due It is wh Is myself as will be Soon provd.
And wh am most truely Sorry Of on your own Acct. (Meaning
(hond. Miss) you Alone) as Sure As Yatton is Intirely Mine
So My Heart Is yours and No Longer my Own Ever since I
Saw You first as Can Easily prove but wh doubtless You Have
forgot Seeing You Never New, because (as Mr. Gammon, My
Solliciter And a Very Great Lawyer, says) Cases Alter Circumstances,
what Can I say More Than that I Love you Most AmazingSuch As Never Thought Myself Capable of Doing Before
and wh cannot help Ever Since I First saw your most Lovely
and Divine and striking Face wh have Stuck In my Mind Ever
Since Day and Night Sleeping and Waking I will Take my
Oath Never Of Having Lov’d Any one Else, Though (must
Say) have Had a Wonderful Many Offers From Females of The
Highest Rank Since my Truely Wonderful Good fortune got
Talked About every Where but have Refused Them All for yrsake, And Would All the World But you. When I Saw You on
Horseback It was All my Sudden confusion In Seeing you (the
Other Gent. was One of my Respe Solicitors) wh Threw Me off
in that Ridiculous Way wh was a Great Mortification And made
My brute Of A horse go on so, For I Remembered You and was
Wonderful struck with Your Improv’d Appearance (As that Same
Gent. can Testify) And you was (Hond. Miss) Quite WrongTo Night when You Spoke so Uncommon Angry To Me, seeing
If I Had Only Known What Female It Was (meaning yourself
which I respect So) out so Late Alone I should Have spoke
quite Different So hope You Will think Nothing More Of that
Truely Unpleasant Event Now (Hond. Madam) What I have to
say Is if You will Please to Condescend To Yield To My Desire
We Can Live Most uncommon Comfortable at Yatton Together
wh Place shall Have Great Pleasure (if you please) inMarrying You From and I may (perhaps) Do Something handsome
for yr. respectable Brother and Family, wh can Often Come
to see us And Live in the Neighborhood, if You Refuse me,
Will not say What shall Happen to Those which (am Told)
Owe me a Precious Long Figure wh May (perhaps) Make a Handsome
Abatement in, if You And I Hit it."Hoping You Will Forget What Have So Much Grievd. me,
And Write pt. return of Post,"Am,
"hond. Miss
"Yr. most Loving & Devoted Servant
”(Till Death)
Tittlebat Titmouse.
“Particular Private.”
Vocabulary: shadow of the gonfalon edition
anacreontic: after the style of Anacreon, a Greek poet fond of women and drinking
tholus: a circular building with a conical or vaulted roof (Greek)
architrave: the lowermost molding at the top of a colonnade
gonfalon: a standard or banner hung from a crossbar
caique: a rowboat or small sailing ship
fiacre: a small, four-wheeled carriage
pardine: a leopard or panther
nigrescent: not quite black
For to fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise: for it is to think we know what we do not know. For anything that men can tell, death might be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of all evils.
Sybarite – “The Fourth Day”
Sybarite is one of the electronic crossover bands that sometimes is a little too downtempo for me – like Arovane’s Tides, much of Nonument fades into the background. But “The Fourth Day” is a great song that has compelling melodies and quite a lot of layers. One part Four Tet sound collage, one part Savath + Savalas murmured melodies, and then a bit of Sybarite’s own excellent sense of rhythm.