Some pages from a recent issue of Berserk. Absolutely stunning.

Besides, you are a Woman, you must never speak what you think: Your Words must contradict your Thoughts; but your Actions must contradict your Words.

William Congreve, Love for Love

Well, if he be but as great a Sea-Beast, as she is a Land-Monster, we shall have a most amphibious Breed —

William Congreve, Love for Love

A loaf of bread and a clean collar; what does man want more?

Sherlock Holmes


Tiny Vipers – “Eyes Like Ours”
Life On Earth

Life On Earth is a darker and much more spare album than Hands Across The Void, focusing more on Jesy’s voice and guitar, and with a bit more of a bleak and minor-key a feel to it. It doesn’t have the rawness of her self-titled EP or the mystical flow of Hands, but she sounds more confident in her writing and certainly performs it admirably.