Vocabulary: Final Shandean Edition

hypallage: a reversal of an expected phrasing (i.e. doing well -> well doing)
renversé: a French term, meaning something performed with a bent waist
toise: an old French unit of length equivalent to 6.4ft (almost exactly 2m)
quinsy: an outdated term for some forms of tonsil-related disease
obliquity: divergent – mathematically, astronomically, or mentally
iracundulous: a redundant addition to iracund (prone to anger)
tunicle: a garment worn by certain religious functionaries
meseraick: an anatomical term relating to the humors
eleemosynary: pertaining to or supported by charity
prolegomena: an introductory essay or preface
whilom: formerly or at one time

The Black Horse of Famine
Part of an apocalyptic horse series by André Durand. Surprisingly, they are pretty much his only good work, the rest being ridiculously cliché or garish and overdone. Oh well.


Crime in Choir – “Crystal Cakes”
Gift Givers

I’ve been meaning to check these guys out for a while. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but this is pretty great: it’s kind of like they took the instrumental parts of Pink Floyd’s Animals and just extended it and augmented it. Very cool, very dynamic.


Micro pigs. MICRO PIGS


Mouse on Mars – “Catching Butterflies With Hand”

Mouse on Mars is a quirky electronic outfit that’s been around for a while; Idiology came out ages ago. It’s not full of music I like, but it’s got a few gems on it like this one. Give it a minute, it starts out pretty weird.

A scene from Henry Darger’s The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinnian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion

A raindrop on a butterfly’s wing.

Part of the Nikon microphotography contest. More here.