Great frame from Criminal, a relatively new comic from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips.

Zeitguised’s videos are interesting; they have a touch of Fleischfilm in their arbitrary noise, and a bit of RGBXYZ as well in the unrestricted use of CG.

This one is interesting as well.

There are in me the makings of a very fine loafer, and also a pretty spry sort of fellow.

Sherlock Holmes

If – which I heartily trust does not happen – a new Dr. Moreau could corrupt recent advances in cloning and create a hybrid, a “pig-man” is widely feared as the most probably outcome.

Christopher Hitchens, God Is Not Great (in a chapter on religious dislike of pigs)


The Lovely Feathers – “Lowiza”
Fantasy of the Lot

Compared with Hind Hind Legs, this album is very tame. Of course, an exploding fireworks factory is tame next to Hind Hind Legs. But the pieces that made it great are still there. Great melody, fun lyrics delivered well, and a feeling that they’re not taking it that seriously. I’ve only listened through it two or three times and it’s already growing on me.

Lily Allen owns self

Lily Allen owns self