The galeons were 64 in number, being of an huge bignesse, and very flately built, being of marvelous force also, and so high that they resembled great castles, most fit to defend themselves and to withstand any assault, but in giving any other ships the encounter farr inferiour unto the English and Dutch ships, which can with great dexteritie wield and turne themselves at all assayes.

The upper worke of the saide galeons was of thicknesse and strength sufficient to beare off musket-shot. The lower worke and the timbers thereof were out of measures strong, being framed of plankes and ribs foure or five foote in thicknesse, insomuch that no bullets could pierce them but such as were discharged hard at hand, which afterward prooved true, for a great number of bullets were founde to sticke fast within the massie substance of those thicke plankes.

Great and well-pitched cables were twined about the masts of their shippes, to strengthen them against the battery of shot.

Edwin Creasy, The 15 Decisive Battles in the History of the World

Stephen Fry goes off eloquently and convincingly on why we do do not need a god to have beauty and awe and love and so on. Very good, in fact I think I’m going to listen to it again.

Charlie Brooker reviews “The X-Factor”

Charlie Brooker reviews “The X-Factor”

Now I cannot bear the barbarity of it; how can that unconscionable coachman talk so much bawdy to that lean horse? don’t you see, friend, the streets are so villainously narrow, that there is not room in all Paris to turn a wheel-barrow? In the grandest city of the whole world, it would not have been amiss, if they had been left a thought wider; nay were it only so much in every single street, as that a man might know (was it only for satisfaction) on which side of it he was walking.

Lawrence Sterne, Tristram Shandy

No offense to our artists (Bryce, did you do this?!) but this logo is a typography disaster. Every single element is a different style – not to mention the fact that the 50 and bubble don’t line up with TC correctly. Am I just oversensitive to these things?

The number of mariners in the saide fleete were above 8000, of slaves 2088, of souldiers 20,000 (besides noblemen and gentlemen voluntaries), of great cast pieces 2600. The foresaid ships were of an huge and incredible capacitie and receipt, for the whole fleete was large enough to containe the burthen of 60,000 tunnes.

Edwin Creasy, The 15 Decisive Battles in the History of the World

Battles this week

Quotes from The 15 Decisive Battles in the History of the World this week. Up first, the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the British in 1588.

A different Picard facepalm, so you people on the internet can try a DIFFERENT ONE EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE, COME ON!

Wow, this whole series was completely unknown to me. “Zoom into” about a million different things with an electron microscope. And of course, everything is fascinating when you zoom in to a million times normal size. (fixed video)

Why iTunes needs a Lite version. (by me)