
Field Music – “You’re Not Supposed To”
Write Your Own History

This album is a great little collection of b-sides and early songs by a band I didn’t even know existed. They’ve got a unique sound going on though, a sort of cross between Tunng and The Lovely Feathers.

Scene Missing Magazine’s photoset of Dragoncon. Wow, that looks … pretty amazing. Unfortunately, I never can have fun at those things because the people freak me out. The whole idea of putting yourself on parade feels wrong to me and I can’t interact with people who are fabricating themselves wholesale. Still, makes for some awesome pictures.


Bibio – “Dopplerton”
Vignetting the Compost

V. good. The playful electronics of later Minotaur Shock crossed with the jangly guitars of the Fruit Bats. Repetitive to be sure, but cheerful and hypnotic.

On a more real note than Prince Valiant’s plan below, here is the layout of Napoleon’s invasion force for England before he was forced to call off the operation. That’s a lot of ships.

Prince Valiant’s battle plan to help the outnumbered King Arthur defeat the Saxons. So awesome.

Thank god for Facebook.

This is absolutely fantastic. Hidden messages placed in old 8-bit games – programmers complaining of rank coworkers, shout-outs to the good guys, and general reminiscing, all tucked away in a weird corner of the game’s data and hidden away for years.

The shore is silent now, the tide far out: but six hours hence it will be hurling columns of rosy foam high into the sunlight, and sprinkling passengers, and cattle, and trim gardens which hardly know what snow and frost may be, but see the flowers of autumn meet the flowers of spring, and the old year linger smilingly to twine a garland for the new.

Charles Kingsley, Glaucus