Long exposure of a helicopter landing, from the February 1949 issue of Life Magazine. By Andreas Feininger, and archived at Google. Fantastic picture.
Woah! Dresden Codak, which I found through one of my favorite webcomics, Hark, a vagrant, has one of the coolest art styles I’ve seen in ages. Click the above to zoom in, or click here for the whole comic, which is actually both interesting and funny.
Ha! This one’s great, too. Just figured out what I’m doing all afternoon (apart from working).
Photo I took for my ramen post. I’ve never really done food photography before (plus I don’t cook) so this was a new experience.
Soderbergh goes off on TV aspect ratios
Soderbergh goes off on TV aspect ratios
Format stuff is one of my technology hobby-horses, and it looks like it’s one of Soderbergh’s, too. He makes a good argument for directors and producers banding together to demand their work not be cut to pieces in order to fit on a screen.
Please don’t sneeze on the international standard
Please don’t sneeze on the international standard
This is interesting. The international standard for a kilogram (as well as other measurements) is actually based on a single object, defined as being exactly a kilogram, which is kept very safe at a center near Paris. The thing is, since the object is defined as the kilogram, it doesn’t matter what weight it actually is. If it changes weight over time somehow, the actual quantity known as a kilogram changes. This appears to be happening.
Interestingly, if you were to sneeze on the kilogram, or hack a piece of it, by international law you would have just revised the definition of a kilogram. All the weights in the world would have to change in order to reflect your new sneezed-upon weight. Scientists are working to create a constant instead of a weight, but until then the risk remains.
The Art of Memory is a blog covering minimalism in music and film. There are many film frames and great art finds, all of which are gathered at this superb Flickr page. I shuffled through 50 pages of collected art, photos, and ephemera and found some really amazing stuff.
It’s associated with Invisible Birds, a relatively new record label focusing on natural and minimalist music.
What? Whaaaaaat? What?
The latest book-length post from Devin Coldewey: Why I Don’t Use Twitter.
It is said (though not confirmed) that Otto von Bismarck challenged Rudolf Virchow to a duel. As the challenged party had the choice of weapons, Virchow chose two sausages, one of which had been inoculated with cholera. Bismarck is said to have called off the duel at once.
Download The Pirate Bay
Worried that TPB may disappear overnight? It’s a real risk, so why not help out in the backup effort? A user has collected all the torrents on the site (about 850,000 – another 1.2 million are not hosted on TPB) into a single torrent totaling 21.3GB. It’s still only got one seeder (the guy) but having a few copies of this around will mean that imitation and temporary Pirate Bay-ish sites will have much of the original’s content to start with.