To suggest that the first cause, the great unknown which is responsible for something existing rather than nothing, is a being capable of designing the universe and talking to a million people simultaneously, is a total abdication of the responsibility to find an explanation. It is a dreadful exhibition of self-indulgent, thought-denying skyhookery.

Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

Been reading Jeff Smith’s new comic, RASL. It’s starting out pretty scattershot, but I have a lot of faith in him after Bone. If he makes this into something anywhere near as epic as that, it’s going to be amazing.

With luck this first part is just a prologue to the real conflict, as the first few issues of Bone were. Not that it hasn’t been good so far.

Looks like the AT&T/4chan dispute is on hold for now.

I dare you to surpass my savings.