Tempest art: the only kind of art that should be allowed.
I should write movies
Are you ready for this? Hero gets in a fight with a bad guy, and destroys the bad guy so utterly that he is completely disintegrated. And then the hero says “You’ll be mist.”
What, that is solid gold.
Don’t go to L.A.
Every time I go back, I like it less, and I never liked it much to begin with. Someone once said of Los Angeles “It’s a nice place to live, but I wouldn’t want to visit.” Well, he got it half right. I can’t think of a less appealing place to exist, whether it’s Santa Monica, Long Beach, or what passes for a Downtown.
Like a huge, dirty suburb, nothing is “original” in that place. It was built to be the city it is, a city for cars to go in straight lines forever, a city to go to a dirty beach and be afraid to touch the ocean, a city with no resources but its population’s inexhaustible supply of self-delusion.
The air is bad, the water is bad, the architecture is bad, the coffee is bad, and the people, while not bad, are the same as everywhere else: not good.
I’m sorry if I’m insulting all the people I know and care about who live or lived in that city, but good lord, you’re the exceptions and you need to get the hell out of there.
Flickr be updated
Sacrilege, hilarious sacrilege.
From Cyanide & Happiness
Oh dear. This is why you don’t do that.
Pseudoscience lamp
I can’t stand this. Watch the video of the guy talking about how his mood is affecting his ability to use ‘quantum consciousness measurements" or something to change the color of this stupid lamp. God, what a chump!
Map of my new apartment
Am I weird for doing this?
A little tour from my old apartment to my new one. Wish that little camera had a wider angle lens, though, it’s hard to really tell the size of the place. I’ll take pictures once I move some stuff in.
Hmm, it’s staying small. Better watch it at YouTube.
Yes, E3. I’m pretty goddamn sure.