Letter from Kurt Vonnegut to one who would burn his books

Letter from Kurt Vonnegut to one who would burn his books

He was twice witty, first with his own wit, then with the wit which was attributed to him.

Victor Hugo, Les Miserables


Black Forest/Black Sea – “Sevastopol”
Black Forest/Black Sea

An album of freaky chamber folk, before the band went a bit more digital. The cello/guitar combo makes it sound like an Espers backing track, but the off-kilter melody and confidently atonal background noise set it apart. An unpredictable band, for good and ill.

“Old books? The devil take them!” Goby said.
“Fresh every day must be my books and bread.”
Nature herself approves the Goby rule
And gives us every moment a fresh fool.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary

I just received a beautiful old edition of Les Misérables I’d ordered and, upon opening it, found a wonderfully well-preserved four-leaf clover at the title page – and another inside the second volume. The edition is from a little after 1890, but there’s no way of telling how old the clovers are; they’re quite brittle, though, so it’s clear they aren’t a recent addition. A very pleasant surprise that makes this already excellent copy even more precious. (larger images)

Death on a Pale Horse, J.M.W. Turner (1830)

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