With such deceits he gain’d their easy hearts,
Too prone to credit his perfidious arts.
What Diomede, nor Thetis’ greater son,
A thousand ships, nor ten years’ siege, had done—
False tears and fawning words the city won.
Givers – “Ripe”
In Light
From an uncertain beginning (on both the album and this song), a confident and memorable song. Once it actually starts moving, about a minute in, this catchy tropical romp demonstrates a surprising breadth of sounds, and some effervescent, precise guitar/vocal interplay. (insound)
Truth, Sir, is a profound Sea, and few there be that dare wade deep enough to find out the bottom on’t. Besides, Sir, I’m afraid the Line of your Understanding mayn’t be long enough.
They have also ascribed divinity, and built temples to mere accidents and qualities, such as are time, night, day, peace, concord, love, contention, virtue, honour, health, rust, fever, and the like; which when they prayed for or against they prayed to, as if there were ghosts of those names hanging over their heads, and letting fall or withholding that good or evil for or against which they prayed. They invoked also their own wit by the name of Muses, their own ignorance by the name of Fortune, their own lust by the name of Cupid, their own rage by the name of Furies, their own privy members by the name of Priapus; and attributed their pollutions to Incubi and Succubæ: insomuch as there was nothing which a poet could introduce as a person in his poem which they did not make either a god or a devil.
Ms. John Soda – “Elusive”
No P. Or D.
This old (2002) album is still my favorite of Ms. John Soda’s; others I’ve listened to have continued the sound, but the well-crafted lap-pop of “Misco” and “Elusive” is as fresh today as it was nearly 10 years ago, and the rest of the album is still solid. I like the little fade-out on this one, mirroring the fade-in of the first track. (insound)