From Jürgen Reble & Thomas Köner’s Materia Obscura

how the internet gets inside us

how the internet gets inside us


Kinski – “New India”
Be Gentle With The Warm Turtle

I class this song among the loudest ever recorded, along with The Psychic Paramount’s “Para5,” Crystal Antlers’ “Parting Song for the Torn Sky,” and the Red Sparowes “The Sixth Extinction.” The fun thing about “New India” is that you keep thinking they can’t add any more to it, and that’s just when yet another guitar comes in. Kinski has mellowed out quite a bit since this album; I wish they’d stayed monstrous.

Out of this nettle danger, I’ll yet pluck the flower safety.

Ten Thousand A-Year


Smog – “Palimpsest”
A River Ain’t Too Much to Love

I’d scratched Smog off the list after being disappointed some years ago, but after hearing this album at a cafe recently, I decided to give it another shot. Despite its simple singer-songwriter nature and plain instrumentation, it’s hard to pin down, mostly because of the delivery. His wry and subtle writing is hard to decode, but in this song it’s at least pretty easy to appreciate. (insound)