A book about how difficult it is to photograph a black dog.
But those were times when, to forget an evil world, grammarians took pleasure in abstruse questions. I was told that in that period, for fifteen days and fifteen nights, the rhetoricians Gabundus and Terentius argued on the vocative of ‘ego,’ and in the end they attacked each other, with weapons.
At all events it quite satisfied what he called his conscience.
Sir Richard Bishop – “Al Darazi”
Salvador Kali
This guy is best known for his dynamic, improvisational guitar playing, most impressively on Fingering The Devil. But on this older album, he takes a piano break and creates a piece that’s.. pretty much the same thing but on piano. But I love it and there’s a lo-fi warmth to this recording that makes it sound like a record from the 30s.
Perhaps it’s a good thing, Traddles,“ said I, "to have an unsound hobby ridden hard; for it’s the sooner ridden to death.