
Crime in Choir – “Women of Reduction”
Trumpery Metier

Let this be your theme song tonight. I feel like if the scene from Blade Runner where that replicant is running through the glass displays was three minutes long, they would just have this for the background music. I love me some Crime in Choir. (insound)


Tulsa Drone – “Chiaroscuro”
No Wake

It’s past midnight and you’re driving alone on a rural highway with a body in the trunk. This is what’s playing on the radio. (more)

Adeimantus: But if a single state amasses the wealth of all the others, will not that be a danger to a state that has none?
Socrates: I congratulate you on your idea that any state other than the one we are constructing deserves the name.
Adeimantus: Why, what should the others be called?
Socrates: By some grander name, for each of them is not one state, but many: two at least, which are at war with another, one of the rich, the other of the poor, and each of these is divided into many more.

Plato, The Republic


Interesting talk. I don’t agree with him entirely, but it is an idea that needs to be considered.

He had an execrable eye — full of insolence and sensuality.

Samuel Warren, Ten Thousand A-Year

Vocabulary: Sponging the Guns Edition

syndic: a representative for a corporation or university; also, certain civil magistrates
pyx: a container for the eucharist; also, a container for specimen coins at a mint
lipsanotheca: the container inside a reliquary which contains the relic
mora: a unit of time equal to a short syllable (a poetic metric)
autochthonous: born of the earth; sprung from the ground
inenubilable: indistinct; unable to be made clearly visible
matross: obsolete term for an artillery gunner’s assistant
lief: beloved, or willing, or preferred
orgulous: proud, haughty


Jason Molina – “Pyramid Electric Co.”
Pyramid Electric Co.

This album, post-Songs:Ohia and pre-Magnolia Electric Co., is a solid piece of work. It’s not as dark as the incomparably bleak Ghost Tropic, nor as transcendent as his 17-minute Travels In Constants track, but Pyramid’s spare beauty is something almost anyone can appreciate. Molina is an excellent songwriter and knows just how much accompaniment his voice and words require — usually no more than a single guitar or piano. (insound)