There is danger for him who taketh the tiger cub, and danger also for whoso snatches a delusion from a woman.
More Fontanesi. God, the man could paint.
Astonishing… very beautiful, and unmistakeably dolphinous.
Handheld Genesis! Only 20 games on it, and they’re not all gold by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s awesome nonetheless.
Blood On The Wall – “Lightning Song”
Loved this song as soon as I heard it. Blood On The Wall are hit-or-miss, but they can hit pretty hard, particularly when the lady is singing instead of the guy. I love that “Lightning Song” is exactly the length and depth it wants to be – it’s just a perfectly crafted song.
Health care lobbyists spending millions on those closest to legislation
Health care lobbyists spending millions on those closest to legislation
“The industry and interest groups have spent $380m (£238m) in recent months influencing healthcare legislation through lobbying, advertising and in direct political contributions to members of Congress. The largest contribution, totalling close to $1.5m, has gone to the chairman of the senate committee drafting the new law.”
This is making me sick.
Sign on my street last night.
Let not thy breeches be too tight, or hang too loose about thy thighs, like the trunk-hose of our ancestors.
–a just medium prevents all conclusions.
– By all that is hirsute and gashly!
Nothing is more human and fallible than the dynastic or hereditary principle, and Islam has been racked from its birth by squabbles between princelings and pretenders, all claiming the relevant drop of original blood. If the total of those claiming descent from the founder was added up, it would probably exceed the number of holy nails and splinters that went to make up the thousand-foot cross on which, judging by the number of splinter-shaped relics, Jesus was evidently martyred.