Battles this week

Quotes from The 15 Decisive Battles in the History of the World this week. Up first, the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the British in 1588.

A different Picard facepalm, so you people on the internet can try a DIFFERENT ONE EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE, COME ON!

Wow, this whole series was completely unknown to me. “Zoom into” about a million different things with an electron microscope. And of course, everything is fascinating when you zoom in to a million times normal size. (fixed video)

Why iTunes needs a Lite version. (by me)


Field Music – “You’re Not Supposed To”
Write Your Own History

This album is a great little collection of b-sides and early songs by a band I didn’t even know existed. They’ve got a unique sound going on though, a sort of cross between Tunng and The Lovely Feathers.

Scene Missing Magazine’s photoset of Dragoncon. Wow, that looks … pretty amazing. Unfortunately, I never can have fun at those things because the people freak me out. The whole idea of putting yourself on parade feels wrong to me and I can’t interact with people who are fabricating themselves wholesale. Still, makes for some awesome pictures.


Bibio – “Dopplerton”
Vignetting the Compost

V. good. The playful electronics of later Minotaur Shock crossed with the jangly guitars of the Fruit Bats. Repetitive to be sure, but cheerful and hypnotic.

On a more real note than Prince Valiant’s plan below, here is the layout of Napoleon’s invasion force for England before he was forced to call off the operation. That’s a lot of ships.