
Ghosts and Vodka – “Futuristic Genitalia”
Addicts & Drunks

I’m not sure how to categorize this instrumental guitar play-date, but I love it anyway.



Literature, like virtue, is its own reward, and the enthusiasm some experience in the permanent enjoyments of a vast library, have far outweighed the neglect or the calumny of the world, which some of its votaries have received. From the time that Cicero poured forth his feelings in his oration for the poet Archias, innumerable are the testimonies of men of letters of the pleasurable delirium of their researches; that delicious beverage which they have swallowed, so thirstily, from the magical cup of literature.

D’Israeli, Curiosities of Literature


Voltron Opening Theme (no narration)

A break from the usual. This one lacks the opening narration (“This… is the story… of the super force… of space explorers”) and lets you focus on the sweet horn breaks.

Creation Myth: Xerox PARC, Apple, and the truth about innovation

Creation Myth: Xerox PARC, Apple, and the truth about innovation