William Shakespeare Burton – “The Wounded Cavalier (The English Civil War)”


Lia Ices – “Daphne”
Grown Unknown

I still haven’t heard the rest of this album because I can’t get past this song. It’s like a hybrid of the best parts of Joanna Newsom, Bon Iver, and Fleetwood Mac. I’m not messing with you. It’s really, really good. Whoever produced this should get a medal. Also: I have no idea whether this is popular already or not. (insound)

Songs:Ohia – “Hold On Magnolia”
Magnolia Electric Co.

Long known for his stark, dark compositions using little more than guitar and his voice (such as Pyramid Electric Co.), Jason Molina really only made use of a full band starting with this album, which he later retconned, if you will, from a Songs:Ohia album to a Magnolia Electric Co. album. This, the last song, is also the best, and although the rest of the album is good, this one stands out in dusty, lonesome grandeur. (insound)

Plaque on the moon commemorating astronauts and cosmonauts who died in the line of duty (NASA)

If, in conformity to right reason, you transact whatever affairs you have in hand with attention, steadiness, and benevolence, and without suffering any thing foreign to your present purpose to interfere, you pay the same deference to the divine monitor within you, as if you were the next moment to part for ever; if you can thus persevere, inattentive to any thing further, and without shrinking from any difficulty, and act with simplicity and energy, according to the nature of the present business, with an heroic regard to truth in all your words; you will thus secure a happy life.

It is not in the power of any one to prevent your acting thus.

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations