Holden Crater, Russell Crater, and polar dunes, Mars (HiRISE)
how the internet gets inside us
“When the electric toaster was invented, there were, no doubt, books that said that the toaster would open up horizons for breakfast undreamed of in the days of burning bread over an open flame; books that told you that the toaster would bring an end to the days of creative breakfast, since our children, growing up with uniformly sliced bread, made to fit a single opening, would never know what a loaf of their own was like; and books that told you that sometimes the toaster would make breakfast better and sometimes it would make breakfast worse, and that the cost for finding this out would be the price of the book you’d just bought.”
(interesting read at The New Yorker)
How interesting. A trip down Windows memory lane. Many scenes from my youth.
A prominence captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory
The blog Pages to Pixels asked me some questions and I answered them as best I could.
Look at that, people will throw away anything. I’m going to install these.