
Colleen – “A Little Mechanical Waltz”
Mort Aux Vaches

This is a beautiful piece, done as far as I can tell on a componium, that reminds me of my other favorite track by Colleen, “I’ll Read You A Story” from The Golden Morning Breaks, which I’ll put up next.


Dump – “On The Right Track Now”
Plea for Happiness

This record was pretty spotty, in my opinion, but it was also home to a few gems. This is one of them; “Made for it” and “My head in your hands” were the others. I still listen to them years later (one was even in a Ben Stiller short).


Lupine Howl – “Sometimes”
The Carnivorous Lunar Activities of Lupine Howl

I never listened much to the rest of this album, but “Sometimes” is one of the few one-off tracks I still regularly listen to that I got during my great college music expansion period. I love the lines “The universal gift must always be returned/and everything can be unlearned.” It’s long but broken into three parts, which helps the pacing.


My Education – “Snake in the Grass”

You have to listen to this one all the way through. It sneaks up on you and the payoff is at the end. These guys have a great ear. I’m getting to know their other albums; they’re shockingly little-known as far as I can tell. If you see this, guys, come to Seattle and play with Kinski.


The Lovely Feathers – “Photo Corners”
Hind Hind Legs
Got a new love for this album over the weekend, having usually turned it off after “Wrong Choice” for no particular reason and not getting a chance to love the later tracks. The half-major, half-minor singalong feel of this song is pretty unique to The Lovely Feathers. It’s like the best possible cross between the Libertines’ Up the Bracket and The Unicorns.


Tiny Vipers – “Eyes Like Ours”
Life On Earth

Life On Earth is a darker and much more spare album than Hands Across The Void, focusing more on Jesy’s voice and guitar, and with a bit more of a bleak and minor-key a feel to it. It doesn’t have the rawness of her self-titled EP or the mystical flow of Hands, but she sounds more confident in her writing and certainly performs it admirably.


Crime in Choir – “In search of plunder (bum convention)”
The Hoop

The final track from another great Crime in Choir album. This one is short and relatively straightforward. Synth-rock doesn’t attract me fundamentally, but these guys really, really pull it off.


Hank Williams Sr. – “If you’ve got the money honey, I’ve got the time”

Great old song. Congrats to Kaz and Tenny, who turned me on to this one, on their marriage and everything else.

Marches – “Cold Hands Warm Heart”
4AM Is The New Midnight

This album is absolutely strange, and none of the tracks are at all like any of the others. This weird electro-R&B and its staccato horn section really caught my ear, though.


Early Day Miners – “Marauder”
The Last Snow EP

Normally a very sedate band, Early Day Miners pull out the big guns on this track. Well, they’re normal-sized guns compared to everyone else, but still. Relatively big.