Vocabulary: Fruit of Forfeit & Declining Decrepitude Edition

dehiscence: the release of juices or fluids by the rupture of a tissue, in botany or biology
mouldwarp: archaic term for a mole, from the German mouldeworpon, “earth-thrower”
climacteric: in fruit, the ripening period; in humans, a period of declining sexual activity
deodand: an animal or object that has caused a death and is forfeit to crown purposes
spavined: decrepit or broken down, or in a horse, afflicted by a certain joint disease
linstock: a pole to which a match was attached, with which a cannon would be lit
birdlime: a sticky plant-based material smeared on branches to catch small birds
antimacassar: a cloth placed on the arms and backs of furniture to prevent wear
trituration: a finely powdered medicine, sometimes mixed with sugar of milk
eleusinian: related to the mythological “mysteries” celebrated in Eleusis
peculate: to steal or embezzle, especially public or entrusted property
ptisan: a drink with medicinal qualities originally made from barley
immiscible: incapable of being mixed together, e.g. oil and water
argot: a group’s jargon or slang – originally that of criminals
sistrum: an ancient Egyptian instrument like a metal rattle
bantling: a young child (from the German for “bastard”)
quean: a prostitute, or poorly-behaved girl or woman
invigilate: to watch over ones who are taking a test
rubicund: having a red or ruddy complexion
cicatrize: to heal by the formation of a scar
sedulous: diligent; persistent; assiduous
quondam: former or erstwhile