
The Fiery Furnaces – “I Lost My Dog”
Blueberry Boat

Although the majority of this 2004 album is still far too weird for me, the density of musical ideas on this and other tracks is simply too incredible to ignore. Clearly unable or unwilling to edit themselves, The Fiery Furnaces have certainly created a unique sound — but one that is nearly impenetrable to newcomers. “I Lost My Dog” is probably the most accessible song, and even at a relatively short three and a half minutes, the sound is changed up more times than on many full-length albums. If it strikes you, you might consider embarking on the full album, but consider yourself warned. (insound)

Vocabulary: Dare to be Anaractic edition

geognostic: having to do with the constituent parts of the earth (air, crust, etc)
cantatrice: a professional female singer (clearly, but an uncommon word)
dysgenic: having a negative effect on the offspring – opposite of eugenic
historiographer: an official historian of an institution, order, or society
crenated: having a notched or rounded saw-tooth pattern at the edge
plangent: resounding loudly, especially with a sad or plaintive noise
epos: an epic poem, or events which would be appropriate for one
faience: glazed earthenware; also, a strong greenish-blue color
monody: limited to or dominated by a single voice or melody
hygrometry: the branch of physics concerned with humidity
aseity: the property of being self-created or self-originating
ataraxy: the state of being emotionally undisturbed, calm
bibelot: a decorative object, trinket, or curiosity
commorient: dying simultaneously or together
conspectus: a general survey or summary

Album cover for Growing’s The Soul of the Rainbow and the Harmony of Light


Cul de Sac – “Dust of Butterflies”
Death of the Sun

This fascinating album (with its beautiful album art by Corot) falls under the same mystical category as Charalambides and Black Forest, Black Sea. “Dust of Butterflies” is the opener, and a lovely opener it is — more Tape than jammy post-rock, just as the rest of the tracks defy easy categorization. Some as twinkling and rich as early Tarentel, some more sound collage than song. The only way to know is to listen — so listen. (insound)