Oh dear, Hitchens really builds up a head of steam in this one. It starts out tame in the first part (above), but by the end he’s asking for a direct apology from the man on stage for being complicit in the deaths of millions by AIDS in Africa, and calling the clergy “a clutch of hysterical, cynical virgins.”

Here’s part two.

Out in the street it seemed to Rieux that the night was full of whispers. Somewhere in the black depths above the street-lamps there was a low soughing that brought to his mind that unseen flail threshing incessantly the languid air of which Paneloux had spoken.

Albert Camus, The Plague

A Reader’s Manifesto

A Reader’s Manifesto


The Lovely Feathers – “Photo Corners”
Hind Hind Legs
Got a new love for this album over the weekend, having usually turned it off after “Wrong Choice” for no particular reason and not getting a chance to love the later tracks. The half-major, half-minor singalong feel of this song is pretty unique to The Lovely Feathers. It’s like the best possible cross between the Libertines’ Up the Bracket and The Unicorns.

…he now all at once, while he rode, encased himself, body and soul, in the iron creed of the fatalist; and connecting destiny in his mind with the inferred will of God, defied any missile to touch him, unless it should come with the warrant of a providential and foregone decree.