These incredible mugshots come from the New South Wales Dept. of Prisons.
Let us not weary of repeating it: to think first of all the outcast and sorrowful multitudes, to solace them, to give them air, to enlighten them, to love them, to enlarge their horizon magnificently, to lavish upon them education in all its forms, to offer them the example of labor, never the example of idleness, to diminish the weight of the individual burden by intensifying the idea of the universal object, to limit poverty without limiting wealth, to create vast fields of public and popular activity, to have, like Briareus, a hundred hands to stretch out on all sides to the exhausted and the feeble, to employ the collective power in the great duty of opening workshops for all arms, schools for all aptitudes, and laboratories for all intelligences, to increase wages, to diminish suffering, to balance the ought and the have, that is to say, to proportion enjoyment to effort and gratification to need, in a word, to evolve from the social structure, for the benefit of those who suffer and those who are ignorant, more light and more comfort; this is, let sympathetic souls forget it not, the first of fraternal obligations; this is, let selfish hearts know it, the first of political necessities.
aeolipile: the first device to demonstrate the transformation of steam into rotary motion
hieratic: priestly or related to the script and art of certain ancient egyptian priests
scholomance: a legendary Transylvanian school of black magic (now in WoW)
pismire: pejorative name for an ant, on account of their formic acid smell
occurse: also occursion – a meeting, clash, or collision
imbonity: lack of goodness (mongrel Latin by Burton)
depilatory: capable of or serving to remove hair
sternutation: a sneeze, or the act of sneezing
immane: vast either in size or in cruelty
suffite: (Latin) to fumigate or perfume
sufflate: archaic alternative to inflate
refluent: ebbing or flowing back
Lights Dim / Gallery Six – “Sea of Tranquility”
Moon EP
This short ambient album was put out to commemorate the 43rd anniversary of the moon landing. It’s very reminiscent of the Fennesz/Sakamoto collaboration, Cendre, but a bit noisier. Only 21 hard copies were made (and sold), but you can pay what you like to get it at their Bandcamp page or download it for free at Archive.org.
“Through the Green Fuse” – electrified flowers by Robert Buelteman