Emperors are necessarily wretched men since only their assassination can convince the public that the conspiracies against their lives are real.
Domitian (shortly before his own assassination)
J.M.W. Turner – Death on a Pale Horse
For mature thought there is no mechanical substitute.
Vannevar Bush, As We May Think
Yang Yongliang – Moonlight; the landscape without light (large version here)
Their silence was of no ordinary kind.
said of the Pythagoreans
Bear In Heaven – “Werewolf”
Red Bloom of the Boom
If nobody had told me it was them, I wouldn’t have been able to connect this vastly varied and ambitious album to Bear In Heaven’s interesting but ultimately unfulfilling follow-ups. Red Bloom of the Boom is a dream of melody in battle with a nightmare of noise: multilayered headphone music that demands your attention and deserves it. This track is pretty subdued, though. (insound)
Sebastian Evans – The Ancients of the World (c.1870)