Emperors are necessarily wretched men since only their assassination can convince the public that the conspiracies against their lives are real.

Domitian (shortly before his own assassination)

For mature thought there is no mechanical substitute.

Vannevar Bush, As We May Think

Their silence was of no ordinary kind.

said of the Pythagoreans

Bear In Heaven – “Werewolf”
Red Bloom of the Boom

If nobody had told me it was them, I wouldn’t have been able to connect this vastly varied and ambitious album to Bear In Heaven’s interesting but ultimately unfulfilling follow-ups. Red Bloom of the Boom is a dream of melody in battle with a nightmare of noise: multilayered headphone music that demands your attention and deserves it. This track is pretty subdued, though. (insound)

Sebastian Evans – The Ancients of the World (c.1870)